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Nothing too exciting in this episode apart from Lucia sama getting her wish of having Rihito serve her for the week. Crazy woman wants him to hold her hand to sleep. This week focuses more on Kento and how he is confronts and negotiate his own feelings he has for Mei, vs witnessing Mei's increasing feelings for his brother Rihito. The highlight is probably his confessions to a shocked Mei, and Rihito hearing everything behind the closed door.
Mei chan no Butler episode 6 summary
Mei saw the pictures and asked what is going on. The class were mumbling about the school ban which prohibits romance between mistress and butler or faces immediate explusion from school. The girls crowd around Rihito claiming it must be some mistake and at the same time trying to ask for a hug too. While Mei was removing the pixs, Daimon noticed it was the same theme park venue and Miruku immediately deduced someone must have been hiding and spying to take such pictures to sabotage Mei. However one of the butler said they did hug together afterall.When Kento came into room throwing the stack of pictures he had removed, he saw the board and went to help Mei to remove those in the class. Rihito came to his senses and started to help but was shoved off by an angry Kento, yelling at him that he had already told Rihito that he would not let him off if something else happens the next time! Mei worriedly tried to part the brothers. Izumi arrived and seriously said that until the investigations are over, Mei has to return to her dorm. Mei tried to protest and clear the misunderstandin but she stop short when Izumi said she should just return to her dorm first.
On way back, Kiba told Rihito to return to the butler school and not to Mei's room. A depressed Rihito understood and apologised gravely to Mei before departing. In the room, Mei's classmate were searching for some evidence but fruitless efforts. Meanwhile Fujiko was also affected and asked to be seperated from her butler as she had always been too clingy to her butler Nezu. As a result, Fujiko ended up in Mei's room to whine about it as she didnt want to be alone in her room without Nezu. Kento scolded her "Baka" but Fujiko retorted one who call others a Baka is one himself. At this point, mei suddenly realised and asked Kento what is he also doing in her room? Kento was stumbling for a reason and Fujiko beat him to it saying he was jealous which Kento produsly denied. Fujiko happily grabbed Mei's hand and proposed for them to be good friends since they now two are in thje situation of forbidden love. Mei told her it is not the same case.
In the chapel, Nezu informed Rihito that 7 groups have been expelled from the investigation and it's a little bit too cruel. He reckoned they are in danger too. Fuji explained her grandfather is a mafia and wanted her to marry some arab king but she only want to be housewife of Nezu. Kento said it was unbelieveable looking at her but Fuji revealed it was nothing, since as far it is only pecks on the forehead. Hearing that, both Mei and Kento jumped up in shock! "How could u do that!" Mei exclaimed. "How improper!" Kento added. Fujiko said its nothing compared to this, whipping out the picture of mei and Rihito hugging. Kento stormed out of the room in frustration.
On way back, Kento was stopped by the evil white guy who said Kento must be feeling awlful seeing those pictures. Kento retorted it must be the white buy who had spread those shots. The white guy said if this goes on, Mei would be snatched about by Rihito. However before that can happen, the white guy said he would offer Kento a chance but Kento shut him up sayying he is being noisy and stormed off!
At the chapel, Izumi declared due to lack of evidence, Nezu-Fujiko and Rihito-Mei are officially free from the "punishment", but was warned by the sole girls to watch themselves, esp Nezu. Nezu however went to seductively flirt with the girl instead, catching her by surprise.
Back in the room, Rihito and Mei are still feeling awkward about the incident. Mei was horrified when her beighbor stopped by to bring an enlarged photoprint of the hugging scene.
The next day, the class was horrified to see the new posting on the swopping of butler. Of course the Sole girsl said Lucia was in favor. They pointed to Mei's dorm neighbor and asked him to be the one picking the random match. Obviously, Lucia got her wish and had Rihito sama while Kento was assigned to Mei.
Before Rihito left on his new temporary reassigment of mistress, he wrote down everything (chores and things location) and informed Mei he would passed it to Kento. He apologised that Kento may be of some trouble as he hasnt mature but Mei smiled and said she knew that. Mei wanted to ask more about the hugging incident but Rihito deftly changed topic and said it was time to return to class. Mei reminded him if he wasnt back to pick up something and Rihito whipped out the pen. Mei was surprised and Rihito smiled saying he would be back to Mei's side very soon. Mei smiled and nodded.
In the classroom, the girls except Lucia and Miruku were practising dance for annual dance party in 2 weeks time. Everything was a mess. Daimon fell and started to nose bled, saying his new mistress has "somethings" that Miruku doesnt have. Miruku angrily got up and slammed his head with a book calling him a pervert! (haa haaa. so funny!) Meanwhile, Fujiko was jealous about Nezu seemingly havin a good time with his new mistress.
The music suddenly started. Much to Mei's dismay, Lucia and Rihito started to dance perfectly in tune with the music and each other. Pissed, Mei tried to grab kento to dance but failed miserably. Mei ended up in the head mistress room and complained about all the weird rules in the school. The head mistress cryptically encouraged her but Mei said she still doesnt quite understand.
That night before she fell asleep, Lucia raised her hands and requested for Rihito to hold it till she fall asleep, saying she would have good dreams that night. While Rihito tried to leave the room, the evil guy asked where he was heading but Rihito said its none of his business.
Back in Mei's room, Mei asked kento why is he walking to and fro. He said nothing but he was actually worried and checking if everything is in place. Mei said there is no soap and Kento refered to Rihito's note and hestitated passing to Mei since he had heard the shower turning on. He screamed in shock when the door open, relieved to find Mei still fully dressed! That night Kento simply couldnt sleep from stress. He heard ruckus outside and went to check but it was only a drunk Nezu. nezu asked Kento to show himself as a man to Mei or will lose to his brother, then he passed out calling out Fujiko's name.
The next day at breakfast, Mei disgruntingly looked on at Rihito and Lucia. Distracted, she nearly dropped the glass but kento caught it switly. Lucia commented Kento is taking good care of Mei.
In class, Fujiko was upset that Nezu seemed unaffected by her dancing with other guys. Mei unhappily looked at Lucia and Rihito. Kento tried to distract her by dancing but Mei's heart was not in it. Kento asked him to "look this way" and pulled her closer but Mei instinctively pushed Kento away and backed off. She triped and fell but Rihito grabbed her in time. Lucia asked Rihito to excuse themselves. On way in garden, Lucia said Rihito's smile will instantly vanish once they are alone.
Mei and Kento overheard Fujiko and Nezu arguement. Nezu told her to treat all butler the same but Fujiko slapped him saying she only knew love because of him before running off. Mei ran after her. Kento asked if he is really alright since he obviously.. but Nezu cut him off saying Fujiko must find true love.
Mei and Fujiko were chatting, saying that the school ban was established as there was a mistress who had set a precedent falling in love with her butler. There was a secret place in the school campus where they would meet secretly. Tami appeared saying she knew about the forgtten house. The myth is that if one could find the secret house on the dance party, it is destined for lover pair to live happily after. Fujiko said most of the ladies here have to marry one day so regardless how connected they are with their butler, they have to part one day. Hence she really wants to find that forgotten house....
On her way back, the white butler was waiting for her asking if she knows the meaning being Hongo heiress? That means sucesding great wealth and power, which includes having her marriage being predetermined and arranged. Hence Rihito is solely only there to ensuring she meets the qualification of an heiress. While practicing, Mei was distracted and Kento reprimanded her for not being serious since the dance is next day.
To distract herself, Mei suggested making Udon. While Kento joked about her having no taste, Mei said she is alittle nostalgic about the past talking about her old times, asking what if she is not Hongo heiress, what would she be doing now. prob staying with Natsumi, making Udon but probably happier
"Then go back to as before, it's not that its impossible." Kento replied seriously
"U are simple" Mei simply said
"but why not?" Kento asked
"What? I was just causally joking" Mei replied.
"Is it because of him?" Kento solemnly asked.
Mei paused and looked disturbed. Uncertainly she called out to Kento by his nickname.
"U always call me by that name. I always call u specky udon girl. However if I dont do that, I cannot conceal it, that I like you." Kento finally confessed his true feelings. Mei stood there in shock. kento rushed out of the room and saw Rihito standing outside gloomily. Rihito reached out for the door but stopped himself. Mei remained stunned in the room.
That night Kento sat alone, half frustrated over his confession. Mei also sat alone pondering at this new information.
Next day, Izumi annouced they are setting off for the dance. The girls slowly stood up one by one with their new butler joining in, all except Mei who remained seated. Kento looked at Mei with mixed emotions. Nezu meanwhile was also on sideline as his new mistress couldnt be fond.
As the group prepared to leave, kento uttered" I said forget it." Everyone paused hearing that. "Let;s not dance. I say we forget about this dance party looking at how everyone is."
"What is wrong? Its time to gather" the sole girls said.
"I said the exchanging of butler should stop now since it is benefiting no one." Kento further exchanged strong words with the Sole girls. "To trust each other. To value each other. That is why one could be together isnt it?" Kento expressed himself. Then he turned to Nezu and reprimanded him.
"U were even calling her name in your dreams, u value her so much. so stop forcing yourself to be strong." Kento yelled at Nezu. "Guess it cannot be helped" Nezu said as he walked to Fujiko "In my eyes, you are the only special one. So I am returning to my lady"
The sole girls got upset and said they cannot do that or they will b expelled. All the butlers went back to their old mistress. When asked by each girl, all the individual butler expressed their old mistress is the best. More girls joined in. The sole girls were overnumbered. Izumi stepped in saying kento was right, "the mistress & butler relationship is based on dependence and mutual respect. The student body has spoken." Sensing a losing battle, the sole girls stormed off in anger. Mei looked at Kento and started sobbing while kento looked away pretending to scratch his head.
"I am very happy this week. Very soon you will be back" Lucia told a departing Rihito. He ignored her and walked out. The head mistress felt worried. Her butler said is the dance hour is an inauspicious hour?
Rihito happily made his way back to Mei's room. Meanwhile Mei was being lied by Tami that Rihito was waiting for her. She pointed that the forgotten house to her. Meanwhile the white guy told Lucia sama all is in place. Lucia happily complete the last verse of the passage that Tami had previously read to Mei and Fujiko. Which is "The lover will unite together...forever in death in heaven."
Kento asked Mei what she had to say to him. Mei was equally shocked. Tami came into the room and shut the door. She asked Mei if she wants to know the true meaning of the passage. Sh finally revealed about going to heaven part. She smiled apologing for lying, before changing to solemn expression, revealing "It is all for Lucia sama
Mei chan's Butler Episode 07 Preview
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Next episode 07 synopsis:
As they fled to the 2nd storey and got trapped in a room, to help Mei, Kento made the mental preparation to sacrifice himself. While he held the door back alone from the attackers and was fully prepared to die, Kento told Mei to escape alone. Next moment, Tami and guys broke through the door and. As Kento defended Mei from Tami's knives, he got injured and fell down. Tami told Mei if she had not come to this school, then no one has to get hurt. Meanwhile Rihito and Izumi noticed Kento and Mei's absence in the ball. Rin's butler who has spiritual power sense that Mei was in danger...
(PS: I stand corrected. I watched ep 07 proper and Mei chan had said "yameru kara", meaning she is quiting school. I misheard the trailer. Sorry!)
I can't wait for the subbed version i was watching the raw and i kinda got it. Thank you for the summary.
Your recaps made my day once again...Gambarre ne!
This episode was not exciting compared to previous one rather it brought the dorama in a more serious ground (hehehe) but still I'm lovin it...
Now I'm confused of whom I'm goin to root for mei...rihito or kento...(-:
Question: in the preview for next epi, did Mei said that she'll goin to quit the academy? and owww rihito and lucia hugging? (grr)
Thanks alot!
scandalous! thank you so much for writing the summary!
In the trailer, Mei announced she is going to America (to school). I was reading the synopsis for next ep7, it seems she was affected by Kento getting injured by Tami's knives attack to protect Mei, and Tami declared to Mei that if she had not came to this school, no one would have to suffer. I think
SO maybe that's why Mei decides to leave. not sure, just my guess.
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