I must have missed this track in a hurry the last time. Here is another good song from the Korean drama: Boys before flowers Korean OST.
I am not sure if anyone wants the saxophone piece played in Epi 9/10 since its instrumental. Will upload here only if there are comments asking for it.
Track 04: Stand by Me - by Shinee (download)
After watching the recent 2 episodes, I was a little surprised that the Korean version added completely new scenes and departed from the original manga plot on the challenge part. I didnt know where the swimming, horse and car racing etc came about. So much for their claim of following the maga faithfully. More ridiculous is the part where Domyoji went to look for the girl asking her to say she like him. Where on earth did that pop up from? The manga was that he was sooo furious with her betrayal that he woulnt do such a thing. The only time he changed his mind was at the basketball game where he discover truly how he felt and he forfeited the game himself. Sigh...maybe the korean version just want to showcase the lifestyle of the rich and famous in Korea.....rather than be content with a mere basketball game. Or maybe basketgame is just not a fav pasttime in Korea unlike in Japan. It's just a show I know but I hate it when people claim they follow the manga and then add something totally irrelevant.
However that aside, I couldnt help but share more of my fav pictures from scenes of the drama. (pixs from official website). Who else but "Rui"...... This is one drama where I couldnt care to download pictures of the lead guy. He just look hmm..unattractive to me. The other 3 actually looks much better!

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