Tuesday is always a super busy day! With 3 dramas to watch and 2 to summarise... so please be patient yah!
For those dying to watch Boys before flowers episode 14 video sub, here it is.
I just started watching Part 1 and I am already pissed with Jan Di. I really am getting to be annoyed with the Korean version of JanDi. She is sooo useless and always relying so much on Jihoo. She claim she always wanted to travel alone on vacation and yet she didnt plan a single thing except on the plane. She just assume GJP is waiting for her even though he had not make any contact for 6months. Hello pigeon brain, where is your fall back plan?
Plus She knows how Jihoo feel about her but she has no qualms about constantly accepting his help. I am starting to dislike her and how her obsession with GJP makes her insensitive to how Jihoon may feel as he watch over her. Despite everything he did for her, she can just brush everything off saying if its all a dream just because GJP pretend not to know her. If I am Jihoo, I would have been upset too!
Jihoo is so sweet. When he said "Once i realise you are alone an unable to do anything, next thing I knew i was on the plane." I think its so sad that he is ocnstantly worrying about her all the time and trying to protect her from harm. Yet when Jandi heard that, she didnt say a word and went back to her "dreamy state" after he left the room. Sooooo annoying. Felt like giving a tight slap to wake her up!
As for GJP, he deserves to be jealous seeing those pixs of Jihoo and JanDi. Not a word for 6 months and he expect people to wait for him blindly? Maybe both him and JanDi are such fools that they deserve each other.
It is strange that I have never felt so felt negatively about the 2 main leads in other versions except in this Korean version. If it's not for KHJ as Jihoo, I wont be following this anymore for sure!!
Part1, Part 2, Part3, part4, Part5, Part 6

If Jan di was so capable of everything, than there will be no need for F3 to appear in Macau ^^
They're just making the plot, so that F3 can appear to be knight for jan di . But still, i'm still questioning why they made a scene where Jan di has to work so hard in order to buy the plane ticket, when later all her expense on hotel and food is on F3.
Anyway, though I don't like ep 13 and 14, but there's a lot ji hoo here, he is so 'pretty '. Heard that he faint again for the 2nd time. He must be really tired because of the tight schedule.
I dont expect her to be capable, but I do expect her not to act like a fumbling idiot. Excluding the original manga, in the Japan and Taiwan version, the female lead is much more independent than that. In fact in the manga, the female lead was supposed to be someone who is quite smart and on scholarship. Hence I hate the typical trappings of a weakling girl direction that Korean directors are making Jandi to be...Maybe it's just me. I prefer my female lead with a bit more spine and character.
I think without her being such a moron, F3 can still appear since Jihoon is basically concern about her and since he couldnt reach GJP, Jihoon is worried in case something bad happen and he wants to be there to console Jandi.
I agree about the expense part! That was somethign I wanted to add too! She is leeching on F3 despite them raising $ for her.
Like u, I dislike 13 and 14 and again only watching because I want to see Hyun Joong aka Jihoon here. I can just melt each time he smile.
Really?!!! He fainted again?!!! He is really overwork! He is looking quite gaunt and skinny now...
aww you guys! I'd want to agree with you but this one is so different than the others. I would also want Jan di to be more independent and bold but she's not and that's really sad how she just lets out her emotions like that. That made it twice as hard to watch but I remember in the japanese version, makino would keep all her emotion inside and then she finally broke. That moment was sad, but when Jan di is openly crying you can really see how hurt she is by GJP! This episode had good and bad. The bad part was what happened between GJP and Jan Di but the good part is what happened with Jan Di and Ji Hoon. I think that no matter who she picks she'll be happy. Lucky girl no matter where she turns she has a man there to help her...sigh I'm so envious...thanks for the links!
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